Xspace residential technology projects

Home entertainment system: Design, consultancy and installation

X-SPACE. were asked to design and install a bespoke cinema system with surround sound, touch screen control, large in-wall display and multi-media options.

We proposed rebuilding one wall of the main living area to accommodate a large TV screen and to show off the front end of the audio system whilst hiding all control and wiring within the structure. The client wanted exceptional quality throughout and we specified professional surround sound processing and multi-channel amplifiers with a mixture of free-standing and in-wall loudspeakers. Sources included Sky, Apple TV and a local media server.

We designed and installed touch screen control for all parts of the system including local lighting and blinds. We also added a wireless network providing the client with main screen access for all on-line music and video, as well as X-Box gaming for the kids. And the client!